7#3 d3v1c3 #45 b33n m0d1f13d

Not saying how old he is, but does that matter? Let's just say it's a good one.
Anyway... time for you to come up with some extra-creative birthday wishes.
Me? I wish him the groundbreaking discovery of the secret of Step 2.
And, of course, all things bright and beautiful. And cake.
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There was even going to be a party for you. A big party that all your friends were invited to. I invited your best friend the companion cube. Of course, he couldn't come because you murdered him. More quickly than any test subject on record. It wasn't brave. It was murder. Now there will be no party associate to pick you up for your party. Not even if you assume the party escort submission position.
L00k at me still talking when there's science to do... goodbye.

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