Just for laughs

A little link

There's no special reason for posting the link to this video that Markus and I did, except the hope that you might enjoy it.

Even history can be fun, Actually, I think most things can.


UPDATE: Well, our little film has been featured by the YouTUBE editors! We have had 12,000 hits in three days, and lots of flattering comments. (Blush).

PS Speaking of fun, my stand-up website is now also online, in English and in German.


Jen Miller said...

What fun, Adam! I have challenged you to storm Fort Shirley at Living Dominica.

Missing you...don't forget to write your Mum.

Adam StJohn Lawrence. said...

Thanks Jen!

Markus and I will tackle Fort Shirley next time we are in Dominica. As it's a post-medieval construction, it is going to be a question of firepower and elevation.

Do you know where I can borrow a cannon?

