Rich and famous

You don't know where I've been...

Sorry for disappearing for a whole month, but the reason is symbolised by the logo on the right. Soon, Work•Play•Experience will not only be a blog, but a fully fledged company.

I've been spending many an hour with my old rock'n'roll colleague Markus Hormess, working out how to turn his process expertise, my showbiz thoughts, and our mutual love for innovation and customercentricity into a service that companies can buy. Change management guru and top-coach Frank Kaeppler was excited enough to jump on board, and in the Autumn we'll be on the market, bringing BoomWowowowBOOM! (and the rest of the show) to a service provider near you.

Expect to see a lot of workers turned into stars, a lot of hidden values exposed, and a lot of customers well and truly impressed. Customer service design with a showbiz touch. You saw it here first.


(PS All this business planning and service designing has put my next book "The Experience Director" on the back burner for now. But don't give up - it's still on the way. Until then, here's the first volume.)


Anonymous said...

Hey, did Markus ever have a partner named Manfred Weber? I worked with Manfred back in my virtual reality days and I thought that he had a partner names Markus. Small world if it's the same folks!

Adam StJohn Lawrence. said...

Sorry David, wrong Markus I think!


Vamp Diaries Music said...

Great posst