The Global Service Jam and the Flying Shark

Some things you can't say with Powerpoint

So, back in October 2011 the nice folks at the SDNC conference in San Francisco gave us a session to talk about the Global Service Jam with the whole plenum of the Conference. Great - but what can you say in just 10 minutes?

The Jam was en emotion, an experience, a space of play. How can you describe that in powerpoint slides?

Well, you can't. So I gave them a 3-minute brainfake of facts and figures, and then got on to the real presentation. This is what we did.

Adam Lawrence on Global Service Jam at SDNC11 from Thomas Schönweitz on Vimeo.

Thanks to everyone who made this possible, from Caspar Siedel the SD-Intern, to the Kansas Girlie Chorus and the Lawrence KA Shark-Wrangling Team. YOU are the Jam.


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