Ten Commandments of Experience Design


1. Thou Shalt Offer Something Unique; or thou Shalt Offer Something in a Unique Way.

2. Thou Shalt ask thy Customer what he Expects, and then Give him More.

3. Thou Shalt ask thyself, "What Tale am I Telling, and How Should it be Shaped to Move my Customer?"

4. Thou Shalt Show thy Personality and thy Passion.

5. Thou Shalt Allow thy Magnificent People to Be Themselves and Use Their Own Words.

6. Thou Shalt Give thy Magnificent People free Opportunity and Safe Space to Play Around with What they Do.

7. Thou Shalt Reward Storytellers, for They Are thy Guides.

8. Thou Shalt Not Flaunt thine Ego. Be thou Vulnerable. Use thine Ears.

9. Thou Shalt Not Do What thou Didst Yesterday. Today's Customer is Different.

10. Thou Shalt Remember all the while: Emotion is Good.

(Inspired by the brilliant TED Commandments, via Presentation Zen)
Chisel pic from Tamaki at flickr

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