Thanks for the flowers

List of Truly Useful Things

Jessica Hupp at VirtualHosting has put together a a list of links to the Top 100 User-Centered Blogs. It's a useful list, and it's great to see Work•Play•Experience in there alongside big hitters like Adaptive Path or chart-topper Signal vs. Noise.

Thanks Jessica!
Flower pic by BaronessNordmark at flickr


Canagang said...

Hello sir,
I just finished reading your ebook. It is so great enlightenment on experience design! Thank you~

Adam StJohn Lawrence. said...


Thanks for the praise! I am glad the book was useful.

My second e-book will describe the process of designing an experience from a showbiz viewpoint. It's called "The Experience Director", and will be available in 2008.

I'll send you a preview copy as soon as it's ready!


Canagang said...

You are so nice Adam!

I really think experience designing work is just similar with producing a film. So your second e-book topic sounds so cooool`

Look forward to getting one copy!
